In the meadow section of the nature center property, in the Wildlife Preserve,
we are restoring a natural wetlands area that was formerly surrounded by ditching.
Click here to see photos of the wetlands development:
In the meadow section of the nature center property, in the Wildlife Preserve,
we are restoring a natural wetlands area that was formerly surrounded by ditching.
Click here to see photos of the wetlands development:
<——To Donate, CLICK the LINK to the LEFT
NATURE MATTERS! THANK YOU! for donating, sharing and emailing the link to our site! With deep gratitude, ~ The Board and Volunteers of Rusk Ranch Nature Center.
CURRENTLY: $8 adults, $5 kids over 4. Open 10-4, Tues-Sunday EXCEPT: When there is excessive heat we may close early for the safety of guests, staff and butterflies. If its cold and rainy, we do not open (butterflies do not flutter when cold or wet).
We will be helping to host the Bugs R Us presentation at Evergreen Elementary School over the winter, growing lots of pollinator plants, and….BUILDING THE NEW MISSING LINKS MINI-GOLF & EXHIBITS TRAIL! : ) This year we hosted Painted Ladies, Cabbage Whites, Monarchs and Red Admirals and of course Giant Silk Moths. Lots of buzzing hummers!
During the season we are open 10am to 4pm, Tuesday through Sunday, (UNLESS ITS RAINING! – Butterflies don’t fly in the rain).
SCHOOL GROUPS can make appointments to visit, custom pricing available. The Natural Playground is a blast! Kids that have summer enrichment opportunities do not fall behind over the summer break. EarthWorks! based on Permaculture for Kids and eco-friendly play, and Nature Explorers, will be offered again in spring.
CONTRIBUTE today to support SUN School: Nature Explorers and EarthWorks! Give children in our community opportunities to explore nature, experience outdoor fun and do hands-on learning. Jump in and help us make it happen!
CLICK on a donate button and sponsor a child!
BUTTERFLY FLYWAY PROJECT: Get native milkweed starts for your garden at your non-sprayed location.
GET INVOLVED! Help make kids nature programs available and build the new Oregon Nature & Environmental Discovery Center (O.N.E. Discovery). IF YOU ALREADY DONATED – THANK YOU ~ THANK YOU ~ THANK YOU Or click on the Volunteers button in the menu – (if you have a skill to share just let us know. : )
At Rusk Ranch Nature Center we give children opportunities to explore nature, experience outdoor fun and do hands-on learning.
YES WE CAN take checks: POB 872, Cave Junction, OR 97523 ~ AND Pledges- send pledge info by email: email to ruskranchnaturecenter
Rusk Ranch Nature Center Location:
Rusk Ranch Nature Center 27746 Redwood Hwy Cave Junction, OR 97523
Mailing address: RRNC, POBox 872, Cave Junction, OR 97523 Email: email to ruskranchnaturecenter
Phone: 541-287-2164
Check us out on Facebook!
Our policies and practices provide equal opportunity to all qualified individuals in leadership, staffing and service, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, familial status, disability, age, religion and any status protected by law.